Friday, September 28, 2012


I plan on sticking with the theme of budgeting for this TGIF rant, so today I am going to talk about the importance of having a dream for your money. You could say that this is somewhat like goal-setting, but I plan on having a separate post dedicated just to goals because it is such a huge part of saving money. Dreaming, on the other hand, is a step that is hugely important before you jump into a budget. Why? Because you must know, in your heart, why you want to do this. Do you want to adopt a child? Do you want to buy a car with cash? Do you want to pay off your mortgage? What about your kids? Do you dream about having a fully-funded college fund for them by the time they are ready to attend? And what about charity? Do you want to contribute to a school being built, a scholarship for under-privileged kids, a family dealing with the effects of a ill child? Let's talk about debt: can you imagine how good it would feel to have NO payments? No credit cards, no car payments, no mortgage? WOW! That would be pretty amazing! All that money that comes into your household would be yours, not Chase's, not U.S. Bank's, not American Express's... YOURS! What would you do with your money if it were actually YOURS? Would you retire early? Would you travel the world? Would you buy a boat, or a motorcycle, or a beach-house? You need to keep these things in mind as you make the sacrifices early on, and you make these sacrifices so that one day, you can achieve your dreams.

Cole and I thought it would be good for us to share some of our dreams with all of you!

1. Be DEBT FREE!!!
      -Buy all vehicles with cash (and get a rockin' deal on them due to the bargaining power of cash)
      -Buy our first house with cash (no mortgage for us)
2. Adopt our child and have the means to send them to college
3. Have the means for Cole to have a small home-based motorcycle business
4. Have the means to care for our parents in their old age
4. Have the means to retire very comfortably

These are some hefty dreams, we know! But we are prepared to make, and are already making, big sacrifices now, so that we can achieve ALL of these. I will go over our dreams again in the goal-setting segment, and I will show you how we have made our 5, 10, and 20 year plans to get there!

What are your dreams?

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