Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Procrastibuster: Motivation

By: Michelle

It is so funny how people think I have a storage room full of motivation housed within my body! I get a ton of stuff done during the day, and I still have time to have a fabulous relationship with my husband and my family, as well as time for my hobbies (such a cooking), but all of this is not due to an enormous amount of motivation, but rather, motivation applied at the correct time. Most people do not need motivation to continue something, but instead, they need the motivation to start. If I can start a project, or a paper, etc., then it is easy to continue doing it. It is starting that requires that burst of motivation.

For example: there is nothing more intimidating, in my opinion, than starting a term paper. That first sentence is so scary to me that often times, I feel like putting it off... indefinitely! Once I get that first sentence down, however, I can work weightlessly for hours. Learning how to apply motivation can change your life and the amount of success you will encounter in the future. Next time you are avoiding a task, gather up everything you have inside of you, and say "yes" to it, and I promise, you won't look back.


  1. What a good point! That first step is always the hardest. Just because you choose to take that first step doesn't mean it was easy. Thank you for the reminder. Linda

  2. Great advice! Starting a craft project is a lot easier than starting a term paper, I'm sure, but still sometimes when I think too far into it, the task seems really daunting!
